The German: (Credit where it's due: This character is greatly inspired by a character from Paul Di Fillipo's "Steampunk Trillogy".) This is an Austrian / German born fat, bearded guy who had a farm in South Africa for awhile. Things didn't pan out well, so he's in England now trying to find better opportunities. He'd have the Voice disadvantage (horrible, harsh, unmaskable German accent), and a Quirk/OPH where he's always talking about his old farm in Africa. Voice is charcterzed by using Z's or Sh's in place of S's (depending), V's in place of W's, F's in place of V's, D's in place of Th's, "ink" in place of "ing" (you know the drill), and often using German structure words (perpositions, articles, conjunctions, etc.) in place of English ones. Sample dialog: "Ven I vas in Kenya, ve vould hafe dese grosse beetles dat vere crawlink into die house. Dey vere zo big dat ve vould schtab dem mit schticks und hhroast dem over die campfire. Dat look you are givink me telz me dat you dink dey vould be disgustink, but let me tell you, on a cold night, dey vere zehr gut, dat's for schure!"