pHPIIIP .rm 7.00" Epilogue Percy smiled as he gazed into the reddish toy in his hands. He gurgled a bit to himself as he thought of all the great adventures his friends had experienced. The tremendous tot thought of the Professor and his friend Cicio lina. He beamed brightly as he recalled the good things they did for him, and for lots of other people. It was fortunate that the two of them got together (quite literally!). They seemed to be doing just fine. Still, he couldn't help but feel bad about the bored woman and her friend. It's too bad that she couldn't be happy. Percy had always wanted her to be happy. And after all the journeys they had taken! Oh well. Maybe if he were to do it again, he'd let her have children, and have a child just like him to look after! Surely that would keep her feeling busy and useful. It seems Nile got along okay. He got to travel and such. He wasn't always as nice to Percy as he could have been, but that really wasn't such a big deal. It gave Nile something to do. With one sausage-like digit, he shut the tiny lid on the red toy and after a lot of work, got up on his stubby, stump-like legs. He stretched his long arms, and strolled around on the expansive meadow. He so loved green grass, and a spacious, sapphire sky. He gazed heav enward, watching the clouds pooling and separating. "That would be the color of my mother's eyes. --If I had one," he thought. He waddled over to a patch of ruddy poppies: a swath of fire on a rolling, emerald dune. "I like the red ones the best." He reached down with his ape-like hand and roughly picked a bundle. He raised them to his flaring nostrils and drew in the sweet fumes. He shut his eyes, and smiled to the end of his cheeks' capacity. The yellow orb in the sky was drawing down into the hills on the horizon. The blue ceiling went fleeing away, chased off by the scarlet radiance of the parting sun. He shifted his weight backwards, and let his legs slip out from underneath him. He let the momentum carry his head back onto the ground, until he was fully reclined, staring at the crimson sky, traced with tendrils of golden wisps. Aside from the substantial tremors caused from him sitting down, the only way that a distant observer could tell what was happening was to see the head go down. It seemed to slide upon a bulbous globe of fat and flesh. He was still the same height lying as he was sitting, and there were still the same amount of appendages sticking out in odd places. The babe's eyes gradually fell shut, enormous lids sliding over glistening globes. He anticipated that the sky would soon go dark, and he would rest peacefully until morning, when there would be other galaxies to create. It's a pity he didn't look up for a moment longer into that sky. It never went dark. It never did. Instead, a squarish section of the stratosphere was pulled aside to reveal a pair of brilliant sapphire eyes. They were well set in a gentle face and framed with silken strands of golden hair. "The best distance between two points is a fullish circle." J.D. Salinger "The shortest distance between two points may be a straight line, but it is not always the most interesting." John Pertwee Doctor Who