pHPIIIP .rm 7.00" The purple sands of the horsehead nebula drifted and swirled in their endless dance through the sable climate of space. Ion particles flowed out in waves from a nearby sun, undulating in a steady stream through the galaxy. Within this masterpiece, there opened up a glowing portal. It appeared as a wound which rent the fabric of space, and bled out a stream of yellow energy. As the portal closed, the energy coalesced. Defined limbs sprung from a well-built torso. A head sat atop bearing fair, strong features. It simply thrills me to do that. Yes, exiting isn't it. The form became more shapely and comely. The figure assumed a swan dive pose, and swooped through the pitch vaccuum of space. Oooo... You don't know what that does to me. But I do, dear. I do. The face smiled. The void gave way to dust and stars. Orbs of helium and orbs of metal whizzed by them. The figure detected every element which made them up. It saw their movements and could predict how long a year was for these orbs; how many days were in them. As the figure sailed through the inferno of the system's sun, It knew how many years until this bright, celestial body burned out entirely and gave it's elements back to the cosmos. Pick one, my dear. Pick any one you choose. It will be our world; Our laboratory. The eyes washed over the spheres beneath them. It beheld their simple, pure harmony of motion; their wholeness; their symetry. Fin gers carving out canyons, shaping hills. It's beautiful. Brilliant glowing smile. Brilliant glowing eyes. But first, our errand. Of course, love. The figure raced on, and on. * * * An unfathomable distance of space spread behind them. Eons of time and countless worlds had passed beneath them. The mind is such a powerful engine. The bright, colorful swaths of helium flowed turbulently about the planet directly before them. A slight sphere in an endless pool. The dominion of the parent jovian planet far outshined its simple child. A diminutive greenish moon, indentured by the awesome force of gravity, circled routinely around the vivid marble behemoth. Barely marking the surface of the kelly moon, was a tiny space station. The moon's visceral content was splayed out upon its surface. Metals twisted by men into useful shapes which hold their air and house their bodies. It seems so distant now, in hindsight. The figure slid its body into the metal walls of the station. It found the little holes in the metal through which energy could slide. It emerged in the jade hallways of the station. False light and false air. The figure twisted like a ballet artist, and plunged down the hallway. It flew through the tubes like they were full of water. Around the corner was heard the slow, undaunted whistle of the station janitor. He plunged a mop into his weary bucket, withdrew it, and splayed the dirty water across the floor. His whilstling halted as he looked up. The glowing form came beaming down the tunnel. The janitor's jaw went slack, and his eyes protruded. The figure smiled as it whisked passed him, staring into the janitor's eyes, picking out the succulent thoughts in his mind. The figure departed around the next corner. The janitor's eyes rolled back. His knees gave in. The mop handle clattered on the floor. The figure beheld a familiar door. It passed through it like rays, and entered the room beyond. Slumped over a work of machenery was a gaunt man in a pale blue jump suit. The closed eyes, the matted hair, the growth on the chin, the slow rising and falling of the body with the flux of the lungs. The figure beamed a dazzling smile to look upon him. Yes... This is where the inspiration comes. One yellow hand came up and touched his hair. The sizzling fin gers traced a line down his cheek, and rested under his chin. Gentle pressure raised the head. The eyelids scrolled open. They twitched to behold the brightness before them. Gradually, the man sat back, letting his chin slide off the hand. Moments passed. The two exchanged long stares. At length, the man spoke. "...Somehow, I can remember... all of this." The glowing figure smiled. "...A message of some sort..." Anagrams. There was silence for a chilling moment. "Are you sure..? I thought there was an experiment of some sort with you and a lot of your mates." The figure beamed and put a hand aside his cheek. You need to rest. The weary eyelids fluttered and sank. "...Yes, I" The head slumped back down onto the machine. The figures skin shined and crackled. It shone a marvelous smile. It is done. It rose off the floor. It passed through the celing like it was water. It raced off into the ebony void of night.