Valley of the Mammoths - Summary of Phases of a Turn

  1. Events (skip this step if it is the first two turns of the game)
  2. New Animal Placement
      4-6 Plyrs 2-3 Plyrs
    1st Turn 6 animals 5 animals
    Summer Turns 4 animals 3 animals
    Winter Turns 2 animals 1 animal
  3. Animal Movement
      Max # Spaces Cross Mtns? Cross Rivers? Trample Crops? Food Value
    Wolves 3 yes no no 1
    Sabretooth Tigers 3 yes no no 2
    Bears 2 yes yes no 3
    Bison 2 no no yes 4
    Wooly Rhino 1 no no yes 5
    Mammoths 1 no no yes 6
  4. Move Tribes, Setup Camps
  5. Combat
      First Subsequent
    Warriors 1d6 +1 per addnl. Warrior after the first
    Animals 1d6 +1 per like type of Animal after the first
    Females 1d6(*) +0 (*) Females only fight animals & other Females, they never fight Warriors. (Some Fate Card let them fight.) In a mixed group fighting animals, a Female can be the first d6.
    Camp +1 ---
  6. Survival
    Food Source When Food Points Gained
    Fishing all year 1 point for each space bordering lake or river
    Foraging summer only 1 point for each forest space occupied
    Harvesting last turn of Summer only 8 points per undamaged crop token,
    4 points per damaged crop token
    (Remove crop tokens after harvest)
  7. Births (end of each season)
    Die roll Sex
    1-2 Female
    3-5 Warrior
    6 Twins (then Warriors)
  8. Planting Crops (only at end of Winter)
  9. Draw new Fate cards (end of each season)
    # Players Max Fate Cards
    2-4 5
    5-6 4
  10. End of Turn & Victory

Detail of Setup & Phases of a Turn


# Players Max Fate Cards
2-4 5
5-6 4
  1. Placing Starting Camp:
    1. One player chosen at random places first, continue clockwise.
    2. Starting camp consists of: 1 camp, 2 females, 5 warriors.
    3. Starting camps cannot be placed adjacent to each other.
  2. Starting Food: 12 units. (Can spend one food token to plant crops if initial camp is on plains.)
  3. Starting Season: Second turn of Summer
  4. Starting Fate cards: See table to right.

(#1) Events (skip this step if it is the first two turns of the game)

  1. Remove all wildfire & flood markers
  2. Draw a Summer or Winter Event card (depending)
  3. Regions indicated by printed numbers on board apply to all contiguous hexes of same type
  4. Cards with lasting effects should be left by season indicator until effects expire

(#2) New Animal Placement

  4-6 Plyrs 2-3 Plyrs
1st Turn 6 animals 5 animals
Summer Turns 4 animals 3 animals
Winter Turns 2 animals 1 animal
  1. Draw from sack number of animals indicated by table to right.
  2. Place animal on outer hex indicated by letter (brown=mountain, green=plains/forest).
  3. If 1 (or more) players are eliminated, # of new animals may be reduced.

(#3) Animal Movement

  1. Animals on same space as humans do not move.
  2. Roll die, refer to die compass on board for direction.
  3. Move animals until:
    1. maximum distance attained (see table below)
    2. animal hits obstacle (see table, all animals stop before floods & fires)
    3. animal encounters humans
    4. animal encounters like type, forming a pack. (Choose movement that leads to formation of packs.)
      Max # Spaces Cross Mtns? Cross Rivers? Trample Crops? Food Value
    Wolves 3 yes no no 1
    Sabretooth Tigers 3 yes no no 2
    Bears 2 yes yes no 3
    Bison 2 no no yes 4
    Wooly Rhino 1 no no yes 5
    Mammoths 1 no no yes 6
  4. If animal starts movement with immediate obstacle, move it in the opposite direction.
  5. Animals in packs move & fight together
  6. If crops are trampled, turn marked from "2" to "1". If already at "1", remove marker.

(#4) Move Tribes, Setup Camps

  1. Determine first player to move: (Could use special marker of some sort to help keep track.)
    1. 1st turn: First player to place moves first
    2. Subsequent turns: First player to move is the one with the:
      1. most camps
      2. most food (if tied for most camps)
      3. most people (if tied for most food)
      4. (Roll die if there is still a tie.)
      5. (Can use this same process to determine winner if we run out of time.)
  2. Other players move clockwise, starting from first player
  3. If there are animals in same hex as tribe tokens, tribes can't move unless they can leave behind one token per animal in hex
  4. Move as many (or as few) tribe tokens as you want
  5. Max distance for tribe tokens is 2 spaces. (Can move just 1.)
  6. Tribe tokens can't cross rivers (some Fate Cards let you)
  7. Tribe tokens must stop when they hit mountains. IOW, max movement on mtns is 1 space. (Some Fate Cards let you go farther.)
  8. Setting up a Camp:
    1. The following conditions must be met to set up a camp:
      1. 1 Warrior and 1 Female on a hex (Adam & Eve)
      2. Tokens have not moved (can't move if they're busy building camp)
      3. No animals or opposing tribe tokens in hex
    2. Flip token to "Cave" if on mountain, otherwise "Village" (flavor)
    3. A camp must have at least 1 female. If all females abandon camp, it is removed at moment of abandonment.

(#5) Combat

  1. Combat will occur under the following conditions:
    1. Warrirors from different tribes share space
    2. Females from different tribes share space (has to be an all-girl battle, though)
    3. Warriors or Females (including group of only females) share space with animals.
  2. Combat will not occur under the following conditions:
    1. 2 or more animals of any type share space. (Like types form a pack. Unlike types just peacefully coexist & wait for humans to maul.)
    2. Female(s) (and only females) from one tribe share space with Warrirors from different tribe. Females are instantly captured instead. (See next)
  3. Capturing Enemy Females: Lone Females do not fight Warriors. Instead, they join the other tribe.
    1. You can replace an enemy's lone Female tokens with ones of your own
    2. Alternatively, massacre the Females (remove tokens). This is your only choice if you haven't got enough spare female tokens of your own.
  4. Starting Combat:
    1. First player to move fights first. Afterwards, proceed clockwise around table.
    2. A player with more than one battle can pick which one to resolve first
    3. If 2 different tribes and animals share space, humans always fight first. (Animals just sit around and watch while the humans brawl.)
    4. Animals of like type must be fought as packs (and get bonuses). Unlike types are fought sequentially.
  5. Combat Bonuses:
      First Subsequent
    Warriors 1d6 +1 per addnl. Warrior after the first
    Animals 1d6 +1 per like type of Animal after the first
    Females 1d6(*) +0 (*) Females only fight animals & other Females, they never fight Warriors. (Some Fate Card let them fight.) In a mixed group fighting animals, a Female can be the first d6.
    Camp +1 ---

  6. Resolving Combat:
    1. Combating players each roll die. If fighting animal(s), another player rolls for animals.
    2. Player who rolls highest wins round. Ties are re-rolled.
    3. Losing player removes 1 token per round (animal or tribe) and can choose which ones will die. (You can sacrifice the females, if you want to.)
    4. If 3 or more tribes are involved, everyone rolls die at same time, highest roller stays the same, 2+ losers each remove 1 token.
    5. Lather, rinse, repeat until one group is totally eliminated
    6. Defeated animals produce food per "Animal Movement" table, above.
    7. Leftover enemy Females are "won" by victor. (See "Capturing Enemy Females", above.)
  7. Taking Camps: If you defeat all enemy tribe tokens on space with enemy camp, you get to do the following:
    1. Capture Enemy's Females: As described above
    2. Take Enemy's Food:
      1. 25% (round down) of enemy's food reserves if it's not their last camp, or
      2. 50% (round down) of enemy's food reserves if it's their last camp.
    3. Take Enemy's Camp:
      1. Replace enemy's Camp token with one of your own
      2. Alternatively, burn the camp to the ground (remove token)

(#6) Survival

  1. Calculate # of food points gained: (All the following are cumulative. A forest by a river yields 2 food in the Summer.)
    Food Source When Food Points Gained
    Fishing all year 1 point for each space bordering lake or river
    Foraging summer only 1 point for each forest space occupied
    Harvesting last turn of Summer only 8 points per undamaged crop token,
    4 points per damaged crop token
    (Remove crop tokens after harvest)
  2. Calculate # of food points consumed: 1 per tribe token
  3. Subtract consumed food from gained food. If negative, pay difference to food bank. If positive, bank pays you.
  4. Anyone left unfed dies (you choose who starves)
  5. (You don't have to feed someone if you don't want to. Kill them off instead.)

(#7) Births (end of each season)

Die roll Sex
1-2 Female
3-5 Warrior
6 Twins (then Warriors)
  1. 1 birth in each camp where there's 1 Female token. 2 births in camps with 2 or more females.
  2. Roll die to determine sex of birth (see table to right).
  3. If 6 (twins) is rolled, roll die twice to determine sex of each twin. Further 6s produce warriors.
  4. Place new token(s) in space occupied by Camp.
  5. Max Warriors == 10, Max Females == 6. If you don't have spare token for birth of particular sex, you get nothing.

(#8) Planting Crops (only at end of Winter)

  1. Spend one food to plant crops on plains space occuped by friendly Camp (as in Setup, above).
  2. Place one Crop marker to 2-ear side on space.
  3. Only one crop marker per space.

(#9) Draw New Fate Cards (end of each season)

# Players Max Fate Cards
2-4 5
5-6 4
  1. Players with fewer than max Fate Cards (see table, right) can draw one (1) new Fate Card at end of each season.
  2. You do not draw a new fate card after you play one.
  3. It doesn't matter how many cards you've played already, you only get 1 card at the end of each season.
  4. You can only play certain Fate cards at certain times. See the card's text for details.
  5. (Italics text at bottom of fate cards applies only to advanced rules for Fire.)

(#10) End of Turn & Victory

  1. Move season marker 1 space.
  2. A player with 4 (or more) camps must announce it to other players. If he still has 4 (or more) camps (not necessarily the same camps) at end of the next round, he wins.
  3. Sometimes all the humans die and only animals remain. Humans become extinct and no one wins.