Material for Weber CS 3230 (Java) Final ======================================= Format ------ Match: 25 @ 1 pt/ea = 25 FITB: 15 @ 2 pt/ea = 30 Mult: 10 @ 2 pt/ea = 20 Short: 5 @ 5 pt/ea = 25 Material -------- Ch7: Graphics Programming - control - toolkit - container - component - AWT - Swing - PLAF - Frame - Layout Manager - layouts: flow, border, grid, gridbag, box, spring(?), none - Panel - paintComponent - Graphics / Graphics2D - shapes: Rectangle2D, Point2D, Elipse2D, Line2D - floating point literals (0.23f) - Color class, Graphics(2D).setPaint() / .fill() - Font class, Graphics2D.setFont() / .drawString() - Image class, ImageIO, Graphics2D.drawImage() - javax.swing Ch8: Event Handling - event - event source - event listener - event object - 3 ways handle event: implement listener, subclass adapter, anon inner class - Listener - Adapter - Action interface - Action event - types of events: action, mouse, mouse motion, key, focus, window - add*Listener() / remove*Listener() - handling key events: KeyEvent.keyPressed() / .keyTyped() / .getKeyChar() - ArrayList - Point Ch9: UI w/ Swing - text controls: text field, password field, text area - selection cntrls: check box, radio button, combo, list, slider, spinner - ButtonGroup - JTree - JTable - JEditorPane: HTML, RTF, plain text - menu stuff: menu bar, menu, menu item, popup menu - setJMenuBar() - accelerator - toolbar - tooltips - Dialog: modal / modeless, needs parent in constructor - JOptionPane - JFileChooser - JColorChooser - Stack - space-savers: JTabbedPane, JScrollPane, JSplitterPane Ch10: Applets / Applications - Applet: active content, intranets - APPLET tag - APPLET tag attributes: code, width, height - HTML - appletviewer - browser - life of applet: init, start, stop, destroy - sandbox - PARAM tags - URL: getDocumentBase() / getCodeBase() - multimedia in applets: getImage(), getAudioClip() - comm w/ browser: getAppletContext(), showDocument - JAR file - Java Web Start - JNLP - "relaxed sanbox" - storing preferences: properties API, preferences API - MediaTracker Ch11: Exceptions & Debugging - 3 typs of errors: compile-time, run-time, logic - err handl approaches: nothing, err code, callback, exception - exception - error - exception - checked - unchecked - try - catch - finally - right way to handle an exception: println, log msg, printStackTrace - throw - throws - logging - assertion - debugger Ch12: Streams & Files - character stream - byte stream - data stream - processing stream - IOException - serializing (or "persistence") - FileWriter / PrintWriter - FileReader / BufferedReader - File class