CS 3210 - Unix - Answer to Final Bonus Question

In the opening scenes of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn we see Mister Saavik engaged in a battle simulation where she must rescue a stranded ship but to do so, must enter the neutral zone and violate a treaty with the Klingons. Her attempt to rescue the crew fails. Later, she learns that this is a no-win scenario designed to test a command cadet's character, not their tactical abilities. Only James T. Kirk was able to successfully win the scenario by reprogramming the simulaiton. (He cheated.) What was the name of this test?


Kobayashi Maru


Detailed synopsis of Captain Saavik's Kobayashi Maru test

Five-Minute Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - The complete screenplay