Class _AdvancedRadiansRobot

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class _AdvancedRadiansRobot
extends _AdvancedRobot

This class is used by the system as a placeholder for all *Radians calls in AdvancedRobot. You may refer to it for documentation.

You should create a AdvancedRobot instead.

There is no guarantee that this class will exist in future versions of Robocode.

(The Radians methods themselves will continue work, however).

See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class robocode.Robot
Method Summary
 double getGunHeadingRadians()
          Returns gun heading in radians.
 double getGunTurnRemainingRadians()
          Gets angle remaining in the gun's turn, in radians
 double getHeadingRadians()
          Returns the direction the robot is facing, in radians.
 double getRadarHeadingRadians()
          Returns radar heading in radians.
 double getRadarTurnRemainingRadians()
          Gets angle remaining in the radar's turn, in radians
 double getTurnRemainingRadians()
          Gets angle remaining in the robot's turn, in radians.
 void setTurnGunLeftRadians(double radians)
          Sets the gun to turn left by radians.
 void setTurnGunRightRadians(double radians)
          Sets the gun to turn right by radians.
 void setTurnLeftRadians(double radians)
          Sets the robot to turn left by radians.
 void setTurnRadarLeftRadians(double radians)
          Sets the radar to turn left by radians.
 void setTurnRadarRightRadians(double radians)
          Sets the radar to turn right by radians.
 void setTurnRightRadians(double radians)
          Sets the robot to turn right by radians.
 void turnGunLeftRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot's gun.
 void turnGunRightRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot's gun.
 void turnLeftRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot.
 void turnRadarLeftRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot's radar.
 void turnRadarRightRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot's radar.
 void turnRightRadians(double radians)
          Rotates your robot.
Methods inherited from class robocode._AdvancedRobot
endTurn, getGunHeadingDegrees, getHeadingDegrees, getMaxWaitCount, getRadarHeadingDegrees, getWaitCount, setTurnGunLeftDegrees, setTurnGunRightDegrees, setTurnLeftDegrees, setTurnRadarLeftDegrees, setTurnRadarRightDegrees, setTurnRightDegrees, turnGunLeftDegrees, turnGunRightDegrees, turnLeftDegrees, turnRadarLeftDegrees, turnRadarRightDegrees, turnRightDegrees
Methods inherited from class robocode.Robot
ahead, back, doNothing, finalize, fire, fireBullet, getBattleFieldHeight, getBattleFieldWidth, getEnergy, getGunCoolingRate, getGunHeading, getGunHeat, getHeading, getHeight, getName, getNumRounds, getOthers, getRadarHeading, getRoundNum, getTime, getVelocity, getWidth, getX, getY, onBulletHit, onBulletHitBullet, onBulletMissed, onDeath, onHitByBullet, onHitRobot, onHitWall, onRobotDeath, onScannedRobot, onWin, resume, run, scan, setAdjustGunForRobotTurn, setAdjustRadarForGunTurn, setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn, setColors, stop, stop, turnGunLeft, turnGunRight, turnLeft, turnRadarLeft, turnRadarRight, turnRight
Methods inherited from class robocode._Robot
getBattleNum, getGunCharge, getGunImageName, getLife, getNumBattles, getRadarImageName, getRobotImageName, setGunImageName, setInterruptible, setPeer, setRadarImageName, setRobotImageName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public double getHeadingRadians()
Returns the direction the robot is facing, in radians. The value returned will be between 0 and 2 * PI.

the direction the robot is facing, in radians.


public void setTurnLeftRadians(double radians)
Sets the robot to turn left by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void setTurnRightRadians(double radians)
Sets the robot to turn right by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void turnLeftRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnLeftRadians(Math.PI / 2);


public void turnRightRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnRightRadians(Math.PI / 2);


public double getGunHeadingRadians()
Returns gun heading in radians. This is a value from 0 to 2*Pi, where 0 points to the top of the screen.

gun heading


public double getRadarHeadingRadians()
Returns radar heading in radians. This is a value from 0 to 2*Pi, where 0 points to the top of the screen.

radar heading


public void setTurnGunLeftRadians(double radians)
Sets the gun to turn left by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void setTurnGunRightRadians(double radians)
Sets the gun to turn right by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void setTurnRadarLeftRadians(double radians)
Sets the radar to turn left by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void setTurnRadarRightRadians(double radians)
Sets the radar to turn right by radians. This call returns immediately, and will not execute until you call execute() or take an action that executes.


public void turnGunLeftRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot's gun. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnGunLeftRadians(Math.PI /2);


public void turnGunRightRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot's gun. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnGunRightRadians(Math.PI / 2);


public void turnRadarLeftRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot's radar. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnRadarLeftRadians(Math.PI / 2);


public void turnRadarRightRadians(double radians)
Rotates your robot's radar. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.


   turnRadarRightRadians(Math.PI / 2);


public double getGunTurnRemainingRadians()
Gets angle remaining in the gun's turn, in radians

angle remaining in the gun's turn, in radians


public double getRadarTurnRemainingRadians()
Gets angle remaining in the radar's turn, in radians

angle remaining in the radar's turn, in radians


public double getTurnRemainingRadians()
Gets angle remaining in the robot's turn, in radians.

angle remaining in the robot's turn, in radians